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  • FACForeign Affairs (FAC)

Conference: “The path towards a comprehensive and effective EU Maritime Security Strategy”

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Representation of the State of Lower Saxony to the EU, Rue Montoyer 61 - B-1000 Brussels

This conference, organised by the European Security Round Table and held under the auspices of the Greek Presidency of the Council of the EU will provide a unique opportunity to discuss the objectives as well as the means of the strategy and provide substantial input to the ongoing debate among Member States and EU institutions. In the context of the Joint Communication of the European Commission and the High Representative from 6 March and the ongoing negotiations on the final draft of the EU Maritime Security Strategy in the Friends of Presidency Group, set up by the Greek Presidency, this conference will particularly focus on the Maritime Dimension of CSDP, the protection of Critical Maritime Infrastructures and Organised Crime at the seas. A keynote speech will be deliverd by Maria Damanaki, EU Commissioner for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries.
