The Network of Territorial Cohesion Contact Points (NTCCP) was created during the Portuguese Presidency of the EU, in 2007, to provide technical support for the cooperation of the Ministers responsible for spatial development in the implementation of the Territorial Agenda. It is also the back-bone structure for communication among all directly concerned by the Territorial Agenda and its First Action programme. The NTCCP is made up of representatives of the Member States, the candidate countries and guest countries Iceland, Norway and Switzerland), the European Union institutions and the relevant territorial stakeholders.
The Urban Development Group (UDG) prepares the meetings of the Directors-General in charge of Urban Development and the informal Ministerial meetings.UDG also prepares background and policy papers. The key challenge of UDG is to promote the sustainable development in the EU towns and cities and the urban integrated approach at the different levels of Governance (from the neighbourhood level to the EU level).
The Greek Presidency will suggest policies to be adopted by 2020, which will help boost regional growth, employment and cohesion in the crisis-hit EU periphery.