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  • ECOFINEconomic & Financial Affairs (ECOFIN)

Statement by ECOFIN President Yannis Stournaras on adoption of amended Savings Taxation Directive

I welcome today’s adoption by the AGRIFISH Council of the Directive amending the EU rules on the taxation of savings income.
This has been a priority of the Greek Presidency, as the amended Directive allows for the extension of the scope to a wider range of savings products and strengthens its effective application, enhancing therefore tax transparency and making a big step forward for the fight against  tax fraud and evasion, and, indeed, tax fairness and social justice.
I am very pleased we delivered on our commitment, in line with the mandate and timetable foreseen by our Heads of State and Government, as well as with recent global developments towards a common standard on automatic exchange of information in the area of taxation, and I thank all Member-States for their constructive spirit and strong will to conclude with this dossier.